Saturday, December 12, 2009

Completely Drained, but VERY Accomplished!

Outside of buying stamps...which I forgot to get AGAIN, and I blew my budget today, so I'm not able to spend anything until Christmas Eve :doh: ...I'm DONE!!! At least with the main things. The food is all far as I can remember...presents are all bought, wrapped, & sitting in Nana Pennye's backroom :giggle: :biggrin: No snooping that way!

I got up at 4:30am today :shock: , took Mikeal to his wrestling tournament, he ended up staying after he was done to ride home with one of his buddies, & since I was in a "big city" I hit up a couple of places and spent my entire budget, BUT I did get everything I'd intended on getting, then some :bag: , just have to get a few more stocking stuffers. :biggrin: :razz: Brian was at work so I was able to even get his present. :clap:

I got back to town (as the tournament was about 1 1/2 hours one way away) just as the parade was starting here in town, but Mikaila was SNOOZING! Poor girl! She didn't get to sleep until almost 2am...then woke at 3am, went back to sleep quickly afterward. I dressed her in her sleep at 5am, put her in the van, she fussed a bit, then went back to sleep. We get to the gym at almost 7am...she wakes up as I'm putting her in the stoller, hoping she'd sleep through most of the morning, as she's the type to sleep in until noon, ESPECIALLY when we have a late night - Brian had bought a new tree, so we took down the old tree & put up the new one, and that was just WAY too exciting for her to go to sleep, or even stay in her bed :doh: - Once everyone started showing up it got LOUD in there and there was just so many new and exciting things to try to do, she didn't fall back to sleep until she & I left at noon, we were barely out of the parking lot before she crashed...she slept all the way through a trip to Wal-Mart, a trip to a toy store, and another stop. :shock: Two hours of shopping, in and out of the carseat, into the bottom of shopping carts, etc. dead to the world. She did wake for a brief few minutes when I'd decided I was done and was going to get something to eat and head home...she screamed through two blocks, then while I was placing my order for the two of us...and crashed before we got our food. :doh: Then slept through my unloading the stuff I'd bought at Nana's house, slept through my wrapping the gifts, and did NOT want to wake up when I tried to rouse her enough for us to head to where Brian works to watch the Christmas parade. So a 5 hour nap, or so...yea, tonight is going to be F.U.N!

I have only had about 25 hours of sleep in the last week or so. :thud: I feel like I have been go go go go go going for the majority of the last week. I've been up HOURS earlier than normal everyday since Tuesday, I've been gone more hours than I have been home everyday since then. I've gotten a LOT of stuff taken care of this week, but ugh!

I still have to do something for Mikaila's birthday, tomorrow... :shock: :cry:

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