Thursday, December 29, 2011

Augmented Autism App Development Assistance

I have a cousin who designs various programs...and instead of making this into a long post of explanations I'm going to post one of his current Facebook statuses:
"Researching ways to contribute to Augmented Autism apps. There is potential to help those with ASD, Down's Syndrome, Parkinson's, and others. Target areas would include speech impairment, limited motor control, and other ways to better enable human interaction and communication by those challenged by it. If you know of anyone who would like to contribute as well, through programming, awareness or beta testing, please let me know. Targeting iPad and Android tablets."

I've offered to assist him in this because I know a great number of intelligent folks who know folks and the like who can offer suggestions, testing, info, etc to help him in his endeavors.  Please feel free to share this post with others who also may be able to offer their suggestions, thoughts, ideas, and experiences.  I will share your comments with him, or your contact info if you so desire, etc with the hopes of more and better applications being developed to assist those who would benefit.

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