Sunday, April 1, 2012

I Might Get Used to This

It's April 1st.

Traditionally by this time of year things have kinda started blooming, it's still cool, but you can just almost taste summer in the air.

This year.  It is 85 freaking degrees!  It's been early summer here for over a month!

And are we ever enjoying it!

Traditionally (for us at least) heading out to the park for the kids to play in the creek there is reserved for after Memorial Day, at the end of May.  This year we started yesterday & went again today.

The bugs are a bit of a nuisance & the lack of shade from the trees not all being fully leafed out makes for a well sun kissed Momma...  Tangent:  WTH!  I'm about as white as a white girl can come, freckles, strawberry blonde/red hair (naturally)..burn to a CRISP quickly (thankfully it turns tan after it stops killing me)...and I gave birth to two children who can just wake up with the sun shining in their direction and instantly tan.  At least I know I should be easily spotted in the dark when the light shines my direction.

So, with no further adieu...PICTURES!

Dogwood blooms
I'd redo my blog again and use the dogwood blooms...but I do like the rainbow & Bradford pears that I have going on right now.

Or maybe I'll go with the crawdad pic here... can you see him?

Mikaila was determined to catch us some dinner....

I'm not too terribly sure whom she plans on feeding with her catches, but she had a BLAST doing it.  My fearless darling.  This was as close as Mikeal was going to get to it.  Sour face & all.
I don't know where he gets his fear of fish, crawdads, worms, frogs, bugs, dirt, etc from, but I guess he's just not all that into nature type things.

But he's awesome with his little sister.  Always looking out for her, helping her, loving on her....when they're not trying to kill each other.

It's a shame that tomorrow is Monday and they have to go to school or we'd go do it again....

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