Tuesday, April 3, 2012


This is a bit of a continuation from yesterday...

Cucumbers - raised tire beds.  I have a bare area in my yard where some idiots thought they'd do donuts in the yard (happened just before we moved in) and it just destroyed that area.  I've seeded it twice with grass seed to no avail, so why not put my cucumbers there..putting the hills in tires assists in my not having to do as much weeding as I may otherwise, right? 
((Besides, you wouldn't expect much less of a recycling momma who was married to a mechanic if she didn't take advantage of things like old tires, would ya?))

Tomatoes & Peppers (I still need more rocks for my veggie rock garden, but they're in the ground...) I started with an overgrown corner of the yard, trimmed it way down...at least until I ran out of string for the trimmer and then with my lovely garden spade & pick ax I dug out this corner of the area, removing all the grass & some large rocks.

It's still a work in progress since I just started it yesterday...I'll take pictures later this week/early next week of at least this finished section.  And OMG! The pollen build-up is INSANE this year!

Snow peas & Radishes I've had this raised bed for 3 seasons now & it does really well for the peas & radishes, then after the peas have sprouted & then started withering (mid-season) I yank them out & put in some green beans that die off when it starts getting cool, then I switch back to snow peas...sometimes I'm able to harvest both crops of peas.  ☺  Radishes just take a month from planting to harvesting, but suck if it's hot out, so I do them like the snow peas.

Broccoli, Spinach, Cabbage are each in my containers this year.  I also did either onion seeds or carrot seeds in the big container.  I also have one container of Strawberries.

Strawberries are the rulers of my little raised bed...and man do they look promising this year!

I also planted two blue berry bushes this year.  I may get a few berries off of it this year, but I'm not going to expect much.  ((As you can tell, I already need to mow again, BADLY!  This having to mow every other day to keep up with the lawn is getting ridiculous!))

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