Saturday, January 1, 2011

First the Insanity...

This has been plaguing me for the last month or so. You'll have to click on the picture to see the whole thing....and do feel free to leave me your own personal opinion, either here or on Twitter.


I'm at the point I don't know what to think. One of these tests shows a fairly faint blue line...the other test shows a 'maybe' it's there not quite though slight blue line...almost, barely, but enough of a barely for me to think negative...but the other one is just there enough for me to think positive...IN addition to the actual test lines not being consistent the control lines also are not consistent. One is thin and drawn looking, the other is thick and smeared looking.

I took both of these tests using the same urine, 5 minutes apart...exactly as told in the directions...

I'm really glad my doctor will be back in the office on Monday. I'm going to have her do a blood test so that I can just be done with the wondering...

I would splurge for a digital that would say in black and white "Pregnant" or "Not Pregnant" but I don't currently have the cash for that because we're in the middle of the great truck rebuild that has spilled over into 2011....

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