Friday, September 11, 2009

Today I Have :

Cleaned the Litter Box

Sorted Toys...gobs and gobs of toys. Toys that need to go to the garbage, toys that are "outgrown", toys that need to be cleaned, toys that need to be fixed, toys that need new batteries. All sorted in appropriate boxes/totes/etc so that they can be taken care of. Legos with Legos, Play-doh stuff all together, Army men all together, Dinosaurs together, baby doll stuff all together. Everything collected from every room, closet, nook, and cranny. I am so tired of looking at toys....and I've only gotten the sorting bit done, much work still to be done.

Cleaned dishes from yesterday - water issues prevented much of this.

Cleaned the bathroom and hallway, including scrubbing the floors & walls.

Still need to :

Finish the Toy "project"
Clean the kids' room
Rearrange some furniture
Fix a dresser drawer
Get Laundry room organized (I swear this only stays done for an hour or so)
Shed cleaned up/out (maybe, after yesterday's snake bit, kinda leery about this one)
Totes put away, either into the cleaned out shed, or in the house somewhere...they're currently on the porch, just 2, but still.

Of course this doesn't mention the normal mom things that go on - breakfast, lunch, snacks, dinner, clean-up, baths, bedtime...and maybe sometime around then my husband will be home from work...he has to work "late again"...the store closes at 8pm, he used to be able to be home well before 9pm...but it could be midnight before he gets home.

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